Search Filter: Cyprus--History in Keywords

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Showing 1-10 of 22 items.

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AuthorTitleYearPublisherSeries TitleVol NoClassLocationClass MarkRegister NumberBookid
ADAMS, T.W.AKEL: The Communist Party of Cyprus1971Hoover Institution Press/Stanford UniversityH2rResearch RoomH2r ADAMS 305713057125900
ASMUSSEN, JanCyprus at War: Diplomacy and Conflict during the 1974 Crisis2008I.B.TaurisLibrary of International Relations38H2pResearch RoomH2p ASMUS 288352883524193
BOZKURT, Umut ; TRIMIKLINIOTIS, NicosBeyond a Divided Cyprus: A State and Society in Transformation2012Palgrave MacmillanH2pResearch RoomH2p TRIMI 303943039425724
BURKE, JohnBritain and the Cyprus Crisis of 1974: Conflict, Colonialism and the Politics of Remembrance in Greek Cypriot Society2018RoutledgeRoutledge Studies in Modern European History50H2rH2r BURKE 315683156828015
DEMİRYÜREK, Mehmet ; BOYS SMITH, Stephen ; MICHAEL, Michalis N. ; ÖZKUL, Ali EfdalStudies on Ottoman Nicosia: From the Ottoman Conquest to the Early British Period2019The Isis PressH2nReading RoomH2n DEMİR 322603226028702
DODD, ClementThe History and Politics of the Cyprus Conflict2010Palgrave MacmillanH2pResearch RoomH2p DODD 284092840923777
DOĞU AKDENİZ ÜNİVERSİTESİ, Kıbrıs'ın Dünü Bugünü Uluslararası Sempozyumu. Cyprus: International Symposium on Her Past and Present1993Doğu Akdeniz ÜniversitesiH2tResearch RoomH2t DOĞU 15610156105347
EHRLICH, ThomasCyprus 1958-19671974Oxford Univ. PressH2tResearch RoomH2t EHRLI 16419164195639
FAUSTMANN, Hubert ; VARNAVA, AndrekosReunifying Cyprus: The Annan Plan and Beyond2009I.B. TaurisLibrary of Modern Middle East StudiesH2pResearch RoomH2p VARNA 285562855623925
INSTITUTE POLITIQUE ETRANGERE, Chypre: Mythes et Réalite1983Inst. Politique EtrangèreH2tResearch RoomH2t INSTI 16504165045713

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